Talks and Presentations

Jun 18th, 2024
Waseda University, Japan

Mar. 18th, 2024
MSJ Spring Meeting 2023
with Shuhei Maruyama
Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan

Mar. 13th, 2024
“Generalized Markov number and generalized cluster algebra“
Advances in Cluster Algebras 2024
Nagoya University, Japan

Feb. 28th, 2024
The 28th Conference on Algebra for Young Researchers in Japan
Waseda University, Japan

Feb. 6th, 2024
“Generalized Markov number and generalized cluster algebra“
Cluster Algebra Seminar
Nagoya University, Japan

Nov. 28th, 2023
Shinshu Algebra Seminar
Shinshu University, Japan

Nov. 11th, 2023
“Exchange quivers and exchange quivers“(Japanese)
Yamaguchi Algebra Seminar
Yamaguchi University, Japan

Oct. 16th, 2023
“Exchange quivers of cluster algebras and exchange quivers of root systems”
Tohoku Cluster Seminar
Tohoku University, Japan

Sep. 22th, 2023
“GLS 道代数の台 τ 傾加群と有限型ルート系のcクラスターの全単射対応”(Japanese)
MSJ Autumn Meeting 2023
Tohoku University, Japan

Sep. 4th, 2023
“The Exchange Quiver of Cluster Algebras and the Exchange Quiver of Root Systems”
Seminar in Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Southwest China
Sichuan University, China

Aug. 18th, 2023
“Torsion lattice of GLS path algebra and Cambrian lattice”
The 9th China-Japan-Korea International Conference on Ring and Module theory
Incheon National University, Korea

May 12th, 2023
“Torsion lattice of GLS path algebra and Cambrian lattice”
Algebraic Lie theory and Representation theory 2023
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Mar. 28th, 2023
“有限型団代数と Dynkin ルート系の関係性について” (Japanese)
The 27th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Feb. 24th, 2023
“有限型団代数と Dynkin ルート系の関係性について” (Japanese)
Topics on Geometry and Representation Theory
Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan

Feb. 10th, 2023
“Oriented graphs of root systems, path algebras and cluster algebras”
Tokyo Tech Representation Theory Seminar
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Sep. 16th, 2022
“\((x+y)^2 + (y+z)^2 + (z+x)^2 = 12xyz\) の正整数解と一般化マルコフ団代数”
“(Positive integer solutions to \((x+y)^2+(y+z)^2+(z+x)^2=12xyz\) and generalized Markov cluster algebra)” (Japanese)
MSJ Autumn Meeting 2022
Hokkaido University, Japan

Jun. 17th, 2022
“団代数と団複体(Cluster algebra and cluster complex)” (Japanese)
The 33rd Commutative Ring Theory Theminar

Mar. 28th, 2022
“Bongartz completion via c-vectors” (Japanese)
With Toshiya Yurikusa
MSJ Spring Meeting 2022
Saitama Univeristy, Japan

Mar. 28th, 2022
“Generalization of Gabriel's theorem and its cluster algebraic approach” (Japanese)
MSJ Spring Meeting 2022
Saitama Univeristy, Japan

Feb. 9th, 2022
“\((x+y)^2+(y+z)^2+(z+x)^2=12xyz\)の正整数解と団代数” (Japanese)
Mathsci Freshman Seminar 2022
Online, Kyushu University, Japan

Nov. 25th, 2021
“A generalization of Gabriel’s theorem in τ-tilting theory and its cluster algebraic approach” (Japanese)
Suita Representation Seminar

Nov. 5th, 2021 
(Positive integer solutions to \((x+y)^2+(y+z)^2+(z+x)^2=12xyz\) and mutation structure of cluster algebra)” (Japanese)
Friday Tea Time Zoom Seminar

Oct. 21st, 2021 
“A generalization of Gabriel’s theorem in τ-tilting theory and its cluster algebraic approach” (Japanese)
RIMS Workshop “Combinatorial Representation Theory and Connections with Related Fields”

Sep. 28th, 2021 
“Compatibility degree of cluster complexes”
Infinite Analysis 21 workshop Around Cluster Algebras (IA21)

Sep. 6th, 2021 
“Positive cluster complexes and τ-tilting simplicial complexes” (Japanese)
The 53rd Symposium on Ring Theory and Representation Theory

Jun. 25th, 2021 
“正団複体とτ傾単体複体(positive cluster complex and τ-tilting simplicial complex)” (Japanese)
ALTReT (Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory)

Mar. 2nd, 2021 
“Duality between Calkin-Wilf tree and Stern-Brocot tree” (Japanese)
The 17th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers

Feb. 11th, 2021 
“Duality between Calkin-Wilf tree and Stern-Brocot tree” (Japanese)
Mathsci Freshman Seminar 2021

Oct. 27th, 2020 
“Positive cluster complex and tau-tilting complex” (Japanese)
Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar

Sep. 22nd, 2020 
“Compatibility degree of cluster complexes” (Japanese)
MSJ Autumn Meeting
Kumamoto University, Japan

Aug. 14th, 2020 
“Compatibility degree of cluster complexes” (poster)
The McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics

Mar. 6th, 2020 
“Compatibility degree of cluster complexes”
Infinite Analysis 20 (IA20) Workshop: Cluster Algebras, Representation Theory, and Geometry
Osaka City University, Japan (Canceled)

Mar. 11st, 2020  
“Compatibility degree of cluster complexes” (Japanese)
The 25th Conference on Algebra for Young Researchers in Japan
Nagoya University, Japan (Canceled)

Mar. 19th, 2020  
“Relation between f-vectors and d-vectors in cluster algebras of finite type or rank 2” (Japanese)
MSJ Spring Meeting 2020
Nihon University, Japan

Feb. 8th, 2020 
“Compatibility degree of cluster complexes” (Japanese)
Mathsci Freshman Seminar 2020
Nagoya University, Japan

Sep. 18th, 2019 
“Uniqueness of clusters by F-matrices in cluster algebras of triangulated surface type” (Japanese)
MSJ Autumn Meeting
with Toshiya Yurikusa
Kanazawa University, Japan

Sep. 12nd, 2019 
“F-matrices in cluster algebras”
MS Seminar
Kavli IPMU (Univesity of Tokyo), Japan

Jun. 11st, 2019 
“Duality for F-matrices” (poster)
with Shogo Fujiwara
Cluster Algebras 2019 (CA19)
Kyoto University, Japan

May 31st, 2019  
“F-matrices in cluster algebras” (Japanese)
Ring Theory and Representation Theory Seminar
Nagoya University, Japan

May 25th, 2019  
“ある方程式の整数解における100年予想とそのアプローチ” (Japanese, survey, public lecture)
Nagoya University, Japan

Mar. 19th, 2019  
“Duality between mutations and rear mutations in cluster algebras” (Japanese)
with Shogo Fujiwara
MSJ Spring Meeting 2019
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Mar. 4th, 2019  
“団代数におけるF多項式の行列化” (Japanese)
The 15th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers
Hokkaido University, Japan

Feb. 21st, 2019  
“団代数におけるF行列の一意性” (Japanese)
The 24th Conference on Algebra for Young Researchers in Japan
University of Tokyo, Japan

Feb. 14th, 2019  
“Uniqueness of F-matrices in cluster algebras” (Japanese)
Mathsci Freshman Seminar 2019
Kyoto University, Japan

Nov. 14th, 2018  
“Duality between mutations and rear mutations in cluster algebras”
Workshop on McKay correspondence and noncommutative algebra
Nagoya University, Japan