

12. SL(2,Z)-matrixizations of generalized Markov numbers
joint work with Shuhei Maruyama and Yusuke Sato

11. Uniqueness theorem of generalized Markov numbers that are prime powers
joint work with Shuhei Maruyama

10. Lattice structure in cluster algebra of finite type and non-simply-laced Ingalls-Thomas bijection

9. Positive integer solutions to (x+y)2+(y+z)2+(z+x)2=12xyz


8. Generalization of Markov Diophantine equation via generalized cluster algebra
joint work with Kodai Matsushita
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 30 (2023), P4.10. | arXiv:2201.10919

7. Positive cluster complexes and τ-tilting simplicial complexes of cluster-tilted algebras of finite type
Communications in Algebra, 51 (2023), 2830–2876. | arXiv:2105.07974

6. Bongartz completion via c-vectors
joint work with Peigen Cao and Toshiya Yurikusa
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023 (2023), 13099–13135. | arXiv:2106.11668

5. Cluster duality between Calkin-Wilf tree and Stern-Brocot tree
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 88 (2023), 491–516. | arXiv:2009.06473

4. Compatibility degree of cluster complexes
joint work with Changjian Fu
Annales de l’institut Fourier, online first. | arXiv:1911.07193

3. Relation between f-vectors and d-vectors in cluster algebras of finite type or rank 2
Annals of Combinatorics, 25 (2021), 573–594. | arXiv:1904.00779

2. F-matrices of cluster algebras from triangulated surfaces
joint work with Toshiya Yurikusa
Annals of Combinatorics 24 (2020), 649–695.| arXiv:1902.09317

1. Duality between Final-Seed and Initial-Seed Mutations in Cluster Algebras
joint work with Shogo Fujiwara
SIGMA 15 (2019), 040, 24 pages. | arXiv:1808.02156

Master’s thesis (Modified version):
団代数におけるF行列 (F-matrices in cluster algebras) (Japanese)